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Frequent Flyer Mug Club Membership


Join our Frequent Flyer Mug Club!

Each membership is good for 1 year

Each membership includes:

• 1 Free 20oz pour daily for menu options that are regularly available as 16oz pours.

• In addition to your 1 free pour, you'll get 20oz pours for the price of 16oz all the time for menu options that are regularly available as 16oz pours.

• 10% Discount on all beer-to-go all the time. This includes cans, bottles, and growler fills.

• 1 Free 6-pack AND merchandise item on your birthday. *Must be redeemed on your actual birthday*

• 1 Membership card: show it to a Beertender to get your perks!

Important Details:

Memberships will need to be renewed annually to keep your perks!

All perks on this page are available to all memberships no matter when you became a member.

Once your membership is purchased, show your receipt in our taproom to claim your perks and receive your membership card.

Must be 21+ - Memberships are non-transferrable - No refunds

**Please purchase one membership per transaction**


Member Name

Enter Member's first and last name as it will appear on Membership Card. ONE MEMBERSHIP PER TRANSACTION PLEASE.

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